Welcome to the Administrative Assistant Traineeship
When employees are appointed to an Administrative Assistant Trainee 1 position, they must take training to complete the Traineeship to move on to the Administrative Assistant 1 title.
Two-year Traineeship Requirements:
- Employees in the first year of the Traineeship must take “mandatory” training.
- Employees in the second year take their “elective” training courses.
When employees complete the two-year Traineeship, their agency reports this to the Department of Civil Service. The Trainee is then appointed to the Administrative Assistant 1 position. Employees also can take the mandatory and elective training requirements to improve their job skills for future positions.
Required Training
Employees in the Administrative Assistant Traineeship must take training in the following competency areas:
Computer Skills and Technology
Interpersonal and Customer Relations
Professionalism and Self-Management
Verbal and Written Communication
Learn more about Workforce Development Competencies
Mandatory Courses
All Trainees must take the mandatory courses.
Workforce Development Competencies | Mandatory Courses |
Computer Skills and Technology | (In-person, online class, or online learning certificate program) |
Interpersonal and Customer Relations | (In-person, online class, or online learning certificate program) |
Professionalism and Self-Management | (In-person, online class, or online learning certificate program) |
Verbal and Written Communication | (In-person, online class, or online learning certificate program) |
Note – An agency can decide to accept other coursework for some or all of the mandatory or elective courses. The agency is required to attest that this alternative coursework was completed.
Elective Courses
Agencies will work with employees to determine which elective courses are needed.
Choose your elective courses by competency area.
Note – An agency can decide to accept other coursework for some or all of the mandatory or elective courses. The agency is required to attest that this alternative coursework was completed.
Eligibility and Accessing Training
Employees in the Administrative Assistant Traineeship can complete their mandatory and elective requirements by taking either in-person or online training.
Administrative Assistant Traineeship Resources
Use these valuable resources to help you successfully complete the Administrative Assistant Traineeship.
Administrative Assistant Traineeship Training Checklist
Use this form to plan and track the completion of your training for the Administrative Assistant Traineeship.
Administrative Assistant 1 - Elective Course List by Competency Area
Eligible elective Partnership courses for the Administrative Assistant 1 job title.
Administrative Assistant Traineeship FAQs
Find answers to you Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the Administrative Assistant Traineeship
Need More Assistance?
The NYS & CSEA Partnership provides the training for the Administrative Assistant Traineeship but cannot help a person be appointed to a Traineeship title. If you have questions about the best way to get a Traineeship appointment, contact your agency or the Department of Civil Service’s Career Mobility Office at [email protected] or (518) 485-6199. For general questions about the Traineeship, please contact the NYS Department of Civil Service at [email protected] or (518) 473-6639.