General Information
For your convenience, links to our catalogs and application forms are available below.
Be sure to download and save an application form PDF to your computer first and then fill it out. Do not complete the form within your web browser or your data will not be saved.
Tuition Benefits
Tuition Benefits Catalog and Application Form
Download the entire tuition benefits catalog (PDF). This file also includes the application form, a sample completed application form, and a list of participating schools.
Tuition Benefits Application Form
Download and complete the tuition benefits application form (PDF). There is a sample completed application also included to help explain the form fields.
Tuition Benefits Flyer
Download and print the tuition benefits flyer (PDF) for display at work sites.
Statewide Targeted Tuition
Commercial Driver's License (CDL) Application Form This program provides tuition assistance to CSEA-represented NYS employees who wish to take CDL training.
Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Application Form (PDF) This program provides tuition assistance to CSEA-represented NYS employees who are: enrolled in a bachelor's degree program in Facilities Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, or Marine Engineering; or enrolled in an associate degree HVAC program; or enrolled in a BOCES HVAC certificate or diploma program (400- or 900-hour); or enrolled in an HVAC, Electrical, Refrigeration, Boiler Operations and Maintenance, or Plumbing certificate or diploma program at an accredited technical school or technology college.
Nursing Flyer (PDF)
This program provides tuition assistance to CSEA-represented NYS employees enrolled in RN/LPN programs.
Welding Application Form (PDF)
This program provides tuition assistance to CSEA-represented NYS employees who wish to take welding courses.
Targeted Tuition
Targeted Tuition Program Application for CSEA Leaders and NYS Managers (PDF) - A booklet about how NYS agency managers and CSEA leaders can jointly develop and submit proposals for a Targeted Tuition Program to meet the training needs of a particular position or title. The purpose of the program is to support agency/facility workforce development and succession planning needs.
Fingerprint Fee Reimbursement Program
The Fingerprint Fee Reimbursement Program Flyer (PDF) provides fingerprint fee reimbursement to eligible CSEA-represented NYS employees who are affected by agency or facility closure, consolidation, curtailment of activities, downsizing, reduction in force activity, or due to reasons of economy or efficiency, and reemployed into a permanent or temporary CSEA-represented position and required to pay a fingerprint fee. This program is not intended to replace existing agency fingerprint fee reimbursement or fingerprint fee waiver programs.
Available Courses
Skills for Success
Skills for Success in-person and webinar courses are available to CSEA-represented employees who can enroll, with supervisory approval, through the Statewide Learning Management System (SLMS) or by completing the Partnership's Skills for Success application form.
Use the Partnership Course Catalog to choose from over 80 courses to bring to your worksite. NYS managers and CSEA local presidents can jointly request to bring Partnership courses and webinars to their agency or facility worksites. Partnership training opportunities are available to CSEA-represented NYS employees in all the ASU, ISU, OSU, and DMNA bargaining units. Worksite Training Application form (PDF).
Online Learning
Thousands of online, self-directed training courses are available to CSEA-represented NYS employees on both personal and professional development topics.
Grants Programs
Labor-Management Workforce Development Grants Program Guidelines and Application (PDF)
A booklet about how NYS agency managers ad CSEA leaders can jointly develop and submit proposals for grants to address workforce development challenges.
Safety and Health Grants Program Guidelines and Application - New Program year begins in April.
A booklet about how NYS agency managers and CSEA leaders can jointly develop and submit proposals for Safety and Health programs.
Quality of Work Life Grants Program Guidelines and Application (PDF)
A booklet about how NYS agency managers and CSEA leaders can jointly develop and submit proposals to purchase break/lunch room equipment, conduct employee recognition programs, implement health and wellness projects, and improve working conditions.