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Quality Of Work Life Grants

Apply for Grant Funding
Field Services Grant Programs Quality of Work Life Grants

Important Updates Coming April 15, 2025 to Quality of Work Life Grants 

The Partnership’s Quality of Work Life Grant application will re-open on April 15 with important updates. Please wait to submit your grant(s) until we post the revised application and guidelines.



Build a Better Workplace for Employees

Working together, state managers and CSEA leaders can apply for grant funding to boost employee morale, productivity, service delivery, and more.
Through collaboration and leadership, successful grant initiatives can help build trust and strengthen a willingness to work together daily. That’s why state managers and CSEA leaders must commit to working together through all phases of the grant project.

You can apply for up to $3,000 per grant category per fiscal year. 


Before You Apply 

Contact us. We're here to help! Connect with the field associate for your CSEA region to get started. They will lead you through every step of the grant application process. 


Key Requirements 

Please be aware of the following requirements for grant projects. 

  • Joint Labor/Management Support - CSEA leaders and state management representatives must commit to work together through all phases of the grant project. 
  • Project Coordinator - This individual fulfills all grant requirements on behalf of the agency/facility, and works closely with the agency fiscal officer or the local CSEA treasurer. They do not have to be a state manager or CSEA leader. This person can be anyone who is willing to take on the responsibility.
  • Exclusive Benefit - The project or program funded by the grant must be for the exclusive benefit of CSEA-represented NYS employees.


Guidelines and Application Form 

Follow our program guidelines closely to successfully apply for grant funding and complete the reimbursement process.


Guidelines and Application Form

Follow our program guidelines closely to successfully apply for grant funding and complete the reimbursement process.