Build a Better Workplace for Your Employees
Working together, state managers and CSEA leaders can apply for grant funding to boost employee morale, productivity, service delivery, and more.
That’s why we strongly encourage grant applicants to start by watching our recorded webinar about the Quality of Work Life Grants Program.
This webinar will help you to understand every step of the application and reimbursement process so that you can get the funding you need.
By the end of the webinar, you will be able to:
- Explain the purpose of Quality of Work Life grants
- Understand how to successfully complete a strong application
- Understand the reimbursement process
Following the webinar, we encourage you to review the sample completed applications and other documentation available below to help you submit a strong application.
Your regional field associate will also be instrumental in helping to guide you through the application process, so please reach out to them prior to submitting your application.
Application Form
Sample Completed Grant Applications
Break/Lunchroom Category Sample Application
Review a sample completed grant application for the break/lunch room category.
Employee Recognition Grant Category Sample Application
Review a sample completed grant application for the employee recognition category.
Special Projects Category Sample Application
Review a sample completed grant application for the special projects category.
Wellness Category Sample Application
Review a sample completed grant application for the wellness category.
Working Conditions Category Sample Application
Review a sample completed grant application for the working conditions category.
Application Checklist
Once you've completed your application, use this checklist to be sure you completed all the necessary steps.
QWL Grants Guidelines Checklist
Once you've completed your application, use this checklist to be sure you completed all necessary steps.
Reimbursement Samples
These samples are designed to help support agencies and locals in understanding the expectations around submitting the necessary documentation for reimbursement. Failure to submit all necessary documentation may result in the grant being withdrawn.
QWL Reimbursement Claim for Payment Example
CSEA local purchases: Take note of this example of completed reimbursement paperwork for a claim for payment.
QWL Reimbursement General Ledger Example
Agency purchases: Take note of this example of completed reimbursement paperwork for a general ledger.
QWL Reimbursement Proof of Purchase Delivery
Upon receipt of approved purchases, it is important to keep and submit proper documentation—typically, this would be a shipping receipt or delivery email confirmation from the vendor. A picture of goods or internal memo is not sufficient.