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World Trade Center Health Programs Overview

Length: 1-Hour Webinar
Class Dates: 11-Sep-24
Start Time: 10:00 AM
End Time: 11:00 AM
Class Type: Webinar
Course Category: Safety and Health
Region: 7
Location: Webinar
SLMS Class Code: P_OE_R7_5898

This webinar introduces participants to the federal and New York State World Trade Center Health Programs. Participants will explore hazards and health conditions associated with the September 11th attacks of 2001, health programming, eligibility requirements, how to enroll, and where to find additional resources. Individuals who worked, volunteered, lived, or responded in ANY capacity, to or near the site, are encouraged to attend. By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Review hazards and health conditions associated with 9/11.
  • Review NYS and federal programs.
  • Discuss eligibility criteria.
  • Discuss the impacts of COVID-19.
  • Identify resources.
Workforce Development Competency: Trades, Safety, and Risk Management