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Professionalism in the Digital Age

Length: 1-Hour Webinar
Class Dates: Tuesday, February 27, 2024
Start Time: 1:00 PM
End Time: 2:00 PM
Class Type: Webinar
Course Category: Interpersonal Communication
Region: 7
Location: Webinar
SLMS Class Code: P_OE_R7_5814

This webinar introduces the rules-of-the-road for popular forms of digital workplace communication. It will identify professional practices for use of email, instant messaging, voicemail, cell phones, and social media. By the end of the class, participants will be able to:

  • Identify professional use of digital communication practices.
  • Recognize the role of privacy and confidentiality in workplace communication.
  • Apply digital etiquette to common workplace scenarios.
Workforce Development Competency: Professionalism and Self-Management