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Adult Education Basics

Resources for Supervisors

Supervisors play a vital role in the growth and development of their CSEA-represented NYS employees.

That’s why we encourage NYS managers and supervisors to watch our Adult Education Basics webinar and share materials with eligible CSEA-represented employees.

By the end of the webinar, you'll discover:  

  • The increasing need for Adult Education Basics training
  • The benefits associated with taking our classes to both supervisors and their staff
  • Upcoming courses and ways supervisors can help employees with enrollment

We can bring related courses directly to an agency/facility worksite upon labor-management request.

For more information, contact Program Associate for Adult Education Basics and Curriculum Development Sara LaFountain-Bagrow at (518) 473-0053 or [email protected].

Webinar Handouts

Now that you’ve learned about the program we offer, we are depending on YOU to become an Adult Education Basics (AEB) Ally.

An AEB ally is anyone who helps to spread the word about the program, encourages eligible employees to attend classes, and shares their experiences with others. Download our promotional materials, below, to print and distribute as you see fit. The brochure has information to help market the program, including speaking points from the presentation to help you reduce employee anxiety about enrolling in our classes.

An AEB Ally also communicates with the Partnership to let us know what else we can do to develop your workforce. Aside from our AEB program, the Partnership offers other services such as tuition benefits, skilled advisors, and onsite requests. If there is anything else we can do to help, do not hesitate to let us know.

Bottom line: If you want highly motivated, educated, and empowered employees, you should be a supporter of our AEB program!